Officials are expected to bring their own masks, water bottles and towels for the contest and will follow the prescribed ODAC policies for pre-competition testing.
Officials are expected to screen themselves daily (keeping a Log) and not travel to a contest if they believe they may be ill. Officials should not travel if they are experiencing any symptoms or have a temperature of 100.4F or above. If they believe they are symptomatic or have had a previous test, they must contact their coordinator to ask for a replacement official to be assigned.
Conference Officiating Coordinators will be required to inform the conference office if they have an official who is presenting COVID-19 symptoms or has had recent positive test results.
Officials should not travel together to the site of competition to avoid the possibility of more than one official being unable to work the competition.
Upon arrival at the facility, the officials will meet at the predetermined COVID-19 testing location. While waiting for test or screening results, officials will be provided an isolation space to wait in (this will vary based on school facilities).
If an official’s results are positive or does not pass the screening protocols, they will not be allowed to work the contest.
If the minimum number of officials are cleared to officiate the competition, then competition will be played. However, if the minimum number of officials (as permitted in the rules) is not available, the contest may be postponed.
Efforts will be made to identify officials locally who may be able to reach the site of competition and work the contest after being tested or screened based on the conference’s stated policies. VISOA will try to have a referee in each area on standby when possible.
A final decision on conducting the competition will be made by both school’s athletics administrations in consultation with the conference office.
Officials will be supplied with access to a hand washing station or hand sanitizer while they are at the institution. The host institution will provide water for the officials. The material for the officials should be in a designated area away from the team areas.
Officials should notify the host institution 48 hours in advance if they need a locker room. Locker rooms will be made available based on institutional policy. If locker rooms are not available, officials will be expected to arrive dressed and ready for competition. This should be communicated to the officials in advance of the competition.
All officials should plan to mask for the duration of the contest and when he/she visits an institution campus.
The following is a mandate for game officials from the ODAC
Masking is required for AR’s and when possible for the referee. The Referee must be masked when addressing players, coaches, and site administrators. A neck gaiter is the referee’s best option. This will allow the referee the ability to pull up the gaiter when addressing match participants.